Department of Bioresoures has established a Grevience Redressal Cell in the Department and Dr Manzoor Ahmad Mir, Senior Assistant Professor has been appointed as Nodal Officer of the Grevience Cell vide order No. F(Grievance)Biores/KU/18 Dated: 08-08-2018 in response to Letter No. F(Circular-Grievance)KU/18 Dated: 02-08-2018. Any student having any kind of Grevience can mail it to e-mail ID or contact on No.s 9622901319 or 7006325036 or contact Mrs Tehmeena Ji Office Incharge on No.s 6005242449. The Departmental Committee constituted for Grevience Redressal shall look into all the Greviences within quick possible time and try to resolve the Greviences to the best satisfication of the complainant.